» posted on Saturday, January 21st, 2012 at 12:08 pm by Patrick Havens
All Welcome to Director’s Meeting Sunday and President’s Message
Director’s Monthly Meetings held at the Napa Bowl (Meeting Room #1) on the 4th Sunday of the month at Noon
Just so you know, we are still “Volunteers” to help with various programs, work with directors, secretaries, the association manager, the president, youth coaches, and others I am sure that I have failed to remember. If you have some time, we have something for you to do during that time!
I must take this opportunity to congratulate the various committees. As you know, not all of the committees are active year-round, however those who have been trying to keep Terry and I occupied, have done that. They have also reported some of the complaints they received while speaking with League Presidents and League Secretaries. Those complaints have been a little upsetting since we have been trying to be supportive. However, I am sure that we have made mistakes. One of the things I have gained from the USBC Conventions is to request solutions for the complaint from the people that dislike something. Like you, we all have other projects and we want you to know that our (The Board of Directors for NSUSBC) priority is family and you (our Bowling Family). At this point, Terry and I want to include you in our Director’s Monthly Meetings held at the Napa Bowl (Meeting Room #1) on the 4th Sunday of the month at Noon. Remember if you do have a complaint, please have a solution for the complaint.
I understand that this is irregular, but Terry and I would like to have you observe and help us solve some of these issues.
Thank you,
D. Sharon Stratton
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